
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Thursday, July 19, 2007


We went on a bike ride today, around the lagoon on the Pelican Path and down to Narrabeen Beach. It was another bright and breezy day, and the waves were big, but not good for surf. I know this because there were no surfers there - it was one of the very few days that I haven't seen a single board on the water. I believe that the expression for what the waves were doing was 'dumping' and this is not good for surfers.

It's difficult to really capture the majesty of the waves here, but wave watching is a popular pastime, and many times at Dee Why beach I have been able to see very clearly from where the inspiration for that wonderful Guinness advert came. The waves really do look like fabulous white horses.

There are surfers in the water virtually all the time. I don't know what these people do for work, but it seems to me that any day of the week, if the surf is up, they are there. I have heard it said that it's not a good idea to bring your children up on the Northern Beaches for this reason - they are likely to turn into beach bums. Oh well...

And here we have another in my occasional series on local birds! There are lots of these about, and they wait to get the scraps of your picnic. Don't know what they are though!


Lawse x said...

Wow - Just had to comment on the photo of the waves... one fab photo!..how cool!
have a great weekend!

The Pettifers said...

Thanks Lawse! Nice to know someone is appreciating my photographic efforts! You have a great weekend too.