
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Friday, March 23, 2007

For clarification

Now - I need to make something very clear. It seems that my friend Warren has misinterpreted my previous post and has become over excited at the thought that we have an S & M dungeon in our house. It certainly wasn't the impression I meant to create and had I known the effect it would have on poor Warren (who sadly doesn't get out often...and I know would run many, many miles if he ever encountered an S & M dungeon) I would have been far more careful with my words. So, for ease of understanding - no we don't have a dungeon, and no - we are not into S & M. Hehehehehehehe. Love you lots Warren!


Samantha Tolmie said...

can we have an index of long words for those of us who dont understand?

The Pettifers said...

what words don't you understand and I'll let you know!

Warren said...

I would just like to make it known to those out there who do not know me, I do get out and would love to go to a S&M dungeon. Well okay maybe I wouldn't but I was only reacting to what the men at Pickfords told me!

The Pettifers said...

Erm....so you think that comment makes you look better???!! It doesn't perhaps make it sound like you are hoping some S & M peeps might get in touch with you? Lol - perhaps you should add your mobile phone number! Ooooooo.....I can add your mobile phone number!!! How much is it worth to stop me doing it? Hehehehehehe

Lucy said...

But you are going to put an S&M dungeon into your new Aussie place, aren't you? You promised!

Lucy said...

And it seems they hardly take up any space.....http://mdn.mainichi-msn.co.jp/waiwai/archive/news/2005/02/20050219p2g00m0dm999000c.html