
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Last Supper....

So here we are - the last day in our house.....unfortunately I have the world's worst hangover as a result of a 'last supper' with our friends Ann Marie and Andrew, who forced me to quaff large quantities of white wine and have rendered me utterly useless on the day I should be at my busiest! Lol. No need to add that we had a great time and we are looking forward to spending some time with them and their three children when they are in Australia in early August.

So - this morning I managed to take the children to school (felt decidedly dodgy at the parking area and had to take a few deep breaths before I felt able to drive home) and I have spent the morning very carefully not moving at all on the sofa. As I explained to my best friend Nugs, there is a distinct possibility that I might die before the end of today, so there is not much point in finishing the packing. Hehehehehe.

And before you all think I am a terrible wino, I haven't been drunk for ages (not even at the ball last weekend where everyone else was three sheets to the wind, and frankly very badly behaved) - and if you can't get drunk with your friends just before you are going to live on the other side of the world, then I don't know when you can! I will admit that my timing is not good, and that it would have been far, far more convenient to feel this ill once the furniture had safely set off for Sydney, but there you go.....

I've managed to eat a cheese roll now, and am considering venturing upstairs to survey the ruins of my house. I can't tell you how complicated it is to pack for 2 weeks in England (with all the stuff that entails - school uniform, cubs uniform, scouts uniform, stuff for scout camp inconveniently being held next weekend, riding gear and a forecast for snow next week) plus 6 weeks in Australia. I was being quite organised at the beginning of the week, because I had packed all mine and Andrew's stuff - until I realised that I had packed every single pair of pants that I own, and not just at the bottom of the case, but in the lining in the bottom of the case.

However, all I have left to do is inventorising and valuing everything we own for insurance purposes, going around with black sacks throwing everything extraneous away, clearing all the food out of the kitchen and just generally surviving the rest of today. Help!!

Perhaps I'll just go back to watching daytime tv....

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