
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

We're leaving home....

So...yesterday we left our lovely house and moved into Nugs' cottage. It's very comfortable but I feel displaced - like a refugee.....we spent most of today at the house, clearing things up, washing all the bedlinen and making final preparations for the removal people on Monday.

It's actually happening. We are really and truly moving to the other side of the world where we don't know anyone. Hmmmm.....and.......it was largely my idea, so I don't feel I am entitled to be feeling a bit funny about it all. I think the thing is, that when you move house normally, you have kind of reached a point where you don't really want the house you've got and you are moving on to one you like more. But we don't know what our house will be...

Nevertheless, I am still very positive about the whole thing, but being in limbo is stressful.

And we've had good news - Andrew is now going to take some time off when we get there and we are going to have a little holiday. We are planning to spend 4 days on a motor cruiser going along the Hawkesbury River, which goes into Sydney Harbour. Should be fun, and will give us some relaxation for a while.

We also think we have identified a school for the children - St Luke's Grammar - so we have been making arrangements to take a tour the day after we arrive (before they break up for Easter). Hopefully everything will fall into place and I will soon be wondering what I was worrying about!

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