
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Friday, March 30, 2007

The Last Supper Part 2

Sarah and I

Sarah and Andrew

Caralyn trying to keep my eyes open for a photo!

The whole gang - all our favourite people

Warren - lets hope his girlfriend never finds this blog!

Caralyn and Mark

Me and my absolute bestest friend Nugs

Hazel and I and our large mouths

Andrew and Caralyn - Caralyn looks thrilled!

Thursday saw us at The Royal Oak with a bunch of our most treasured friends. Warren came from Cambridge, and Hazel and Dave travelled down from Nantwich in Cheshire, along with all the gang from the village. It was wonderful to have the chance to spend time with everyone, and to reminisce (sp!?) about fun times we have had together. Most of everyone's stories seemed to have involved us either naked, drunk or both, which was a little concerning but we have certainly had some laughs! I feel sure we are going to be much better behaved in Australia..

A few tears were shed, but I think we are still having a bit of trouble really knowing we are going!

Highlight of the evening was some silliness on the way home, when we discovered that the car Andrew had borrowed from work had flashing lights stored in the boot for when it is used for motorway surveillance. Of course, we had to get them out and plug them - and then drive back to Sway with them on whilst killing ourselves laughing.

We will really miss this sort of idiocy with our friends!

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