
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Friday, March 30, 2007

School Easter Service

I haven't got any photos of this, but we had the school Easter Service on Thursday afternoon. Anna did some narrating but at the end there was the surprise of the children being presented with Bibles as a leaving gift from the headmaster.

The children have been so very happy here, with fabulous friends, a safe and beautiful environment and a really excellent school. I know that although Sydney will be great, we could not have wanted for a better start in George and Anna's lives. It's been idyllic really - the beach, the forest, a small village where everyone knows them and great friends they've had virtually from birth.

However, there comes a time when moving on seems like the right thing to do - although of course I'm anxious that we might be taking them from this idyll to something that turns out to be less than we are hoping. We know the grass isn't greener - but different grass every now and again in life is a good challenge and one we are all looking forward to.

I've taken the children off to Milford Primary School for the last time today. That really and truly is the end of an era...however, I will be back there this afternoon for their Talent Show - more photos later then!

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