
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

How to comment!

We like comments! It lets us know that someone is reading this rubbish we are sending out into the ether. Don't be put off by the need to set up a google account - you never need to use it other than to sign in to make a comment (although I have to say that googlemail is rather good!).

And if you already have a google account - why not leave a comment today?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Early mornings

The usual morning routine is that the alarm goes off just before 6.25am. I put it on snooze and drag myself out of bed at 6.30am. I have a shower and do my beauty routine (hahahahahahaha) and am all ready by 7am. I then wake up the children and spend the next hour gently coaxing them (...shouting...) through the apparently totally unexpected requests of getting dressed, eating breakfast, cleaning their teeth, putting their shoes on etc. If any tasks are not completed, it is because I have not asked them to do it. It would seem that it is of no consequence that the same things happen EVERY SINGLE DAY...

And yet.....today, all of this was achieved between 6.30am and 7.15am, with a minimum of shouting from me. Miraculous. Admittedly, I had made the packed lunches last night, and Anna didn't have any breakfast, but all the same. I think we can quite reasonably feel rather proud. And George really enjoyed the basketball, so we will be doing it on a regular basis.

So by 7.35am, Anna and I were at the Lime and Latte on Dee Why seafront, ordering hot chocolates and toasted banana bread. We ate it watching the surfers (and even the small children already on the swings in the park) and chatting about life and all Anna's friendships.

Not a bad start to the day.


Kathryn Herrmann said...

I now appreciate how good comments can feel. There's nothing like a complimentary comment to make your day! So I'm going to return the favour and send you comments more often, without worrying about whether they're not witty enough!

Kathryn Herrmann said...

And good on you for joining the 'Getting up and ready early' club. Am proud of you!