
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Longest Goodbye...

How beautiful is Charlie?

Piers - he is going to break a few hearts..

George and Piers


Anna and Gigi

The non stop socialising is still going on apace. Monday night saw us having a lovely supper with our friends Virginia and Bill - Bill's grandfather (or was it great grandfather?) was Chief Engineer on the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which is very interesting. Small world eh? Yesterday evening there was a goodbye do at Andrew's office for colleagues and clients, and some very kind words were said about Andrew. I think Andrew felt quite moved and it was good to catch up with some people I haven't seen for a while and to meet others I've heard about but never met. Afterwards we picked up a Chinese takeaway and ate it with Nugs and Johnny whilst all being terribly silly.

I'm getting quite concerned that by the time we get to Sydney I am going to be the size of an elephant and they will send me straight to Taronga Zoo as the latest exhibit. The amount of eating and drinking that has been going on lately is pretty unprecedented, and the amount of training I usually do has been cut back. However. This didn't stop me from having a lovely walk with Charlie and then going for lunch with Nugs and Sarah (even knowing that I am out for supper tonight!).

It was soooo great to walk with Charlie, and to see how happy and healthy he is with Sarah and Roy. Although it breaks my heart to leave him behind, I know it is the best thing for him. The pictures above were taken today at Shirley Holms in the New Forest, which you can out onto directly from Nugs' garden. It's probably the last time I will walk with him, so I wanted to record it.

I still haven't been able to work out how to disperse the pictures amongst the text, so on this post there are a couple of pictures we took at the Eveleighs on Sunday, along with some from the work do, then Charlie.

This evening I've got my last dancing, then out for supper with Amanda and my friend Graham. Hopefully I'll burn off some of the lunchtime calories before we get to the Indian! Dancing photos tomorrow!


Unknown said...


Just wanted to wish the best of luck for your move. we are going to London for the weekend (without kids!!! Good old mum) so thought I better do before I forget.


Donna, Phil, Jake and Lewis

The Pettifers said...

Thanks Donna - have a great child free weekend! Hopefully we will see you all in Sydney one day!

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xx