
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Family Leaving Party, 4th March 2007

Karen, Tony and Laura

Jeynes Women - Jenny, Lynne, Melissa, Mum, Brenda
Gemma, Tracey, Bethany, Madeleine's legs, Karen, Tony

Auntie Chris

Mum, me and Lucy

Diana and Christine

Are they looking at Playboy? Dad, Andrew, David, Bob, and John

Christine and Uncle Jack

Mike and Ricky

Ricky, Uncle Maurice (looking fab at 80!), Dad and Mike

We were so delighted that so many of our family came to see us before we left - 50 in fact for Sunday lunch. Everyone seemed to have a lovely time and it was great to see some people we had not seen for some time - especially my Uncle Maurice, whose 80th birthday party we missed when we were visiting Sydney in November. Ages ranged from 93 (Uncle Jack) to under 2 years, so all generations were represented!

Lots of photos were taken - and here they are. With thanks to everyone who came!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ashleighG'day Pettifers, just a note to say all the best and good fotune on your adventures downunder, from the South Eastern branch of the Jeynes family. Ron, Lynn, Jenny, Martyn, Mellisa, Ashleigh and of course Uncle Maurice and Julie. You never know we may drop in on you at some time. All our Love. xxx