
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Getting a life....

As you will know from Andrew's entry - I went out. It was a beading evening. Not necessarily something that I would normally do. However, it was a Year 4 class mum's event and obviously I am keen to get out and meet people. In fact, Anna's friend Keana's mum had sent me a hand written note asking me if I would like to go, which was very kind and another example of how friendly the Aussies are.

In the event I really enjoyed it. It took place at a shop called Bead Studio in Mosman, which is a very swish suburb (think Chelsea) and handily only down the road from where we are currently living. The shop is owned by one of the year 4 mums - Marlies - who is French, or possibly German (well European anyway!), and what you do is go there, choose a load of beautiful beads and make a piece of jewellry with it. Or if you prefer they will help design and make it for you. The beads were gold, silver, glass, crystal......it was such fun choosing what you wanted, and the whole shop is a dream for little girls. They do birthday parties which I will bear in mind for future reference. I made a necklace, which I'm going to send to my mum for her birthday in a couple of weeks. I hope she likes it - it probably won't be the most beautiful piece of jewellry she owns, but it will be the only one made and designed specifically for her and painstakingly put together with love.

Apart from making the necklace, of course I met some more mums, who all seemed very nice. It will take a while to really get to know people, but for the moment what is clear is that the local women are keen to welcome you into their community and that there are lots of fun events to join in. There is the 'Annual Class Mums Weekend Away' for example, which takes place in November at a spa up the coast. How cool is that? There is also a tennis day in a couple of weeks, but I'm not sure about doing that on account of the fact that they will never have seen a worse tennis player. And also I can't even laugh at the moment without collapsing in a coughing fit, so I think running about might be a bridge too far!

Yesterday I spent the day with Lydia. We had breakfast in one of the beachside cafes in Dee Why, and before we knew it, it was nearly lunchtime! Lydia offered to show me the shops in Dee Why, which was quite a laugh, as the shopping area is about to be flattened for reasons that are obvious when you look around it. Then we took ourselves off to the Mall, looked at clothes, had lunch and then it was time to pick the children up again! So a very lazy day....

Now, just a couple of messages.....Happy Birthday to my nephew Samuel, who was 14 yesterday. From his mum's blog, it looks like he had a good day! It's also Anna's birthday on Monday, so if you are able to send her a message via her blog that would be nice.

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