
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Friday, August 8, 2008

The Pettifers Down Under UK 2008 - Family

Anna and the baby we left behind - Charlie. He is very happy with Sarah and Roy, and it was lovely to see him again.

Many apologies for the delay in updating the blog. Since we got back we have been entertaining niece Bethany, getting the children back into the old routine and Beth and I have been up to a Barrier Reef Island for a few days for some sun (more on that later).

I've given some thought about how to cover our month home, and I've decided to do it pictorially - starting with some pics of the family. So here we go!

Lucy and her girls, Katy and Emily

George, Katy, Emily, Olly, Abs and Anna all striking a pose

Grace and Bob

George, Abigail and Anna

A really wonderful picture of Lewis and Lucy

Me and Lewis having a lovely cuddle.

Katy, Me and Lew, Anna, Samuel and Abs. We are all playing a quiz game and Lew is helping me roll the dice. He loved being able to join in!

James and his gorgeous son

Me and brother James - he wouldn't be sensible...

George and Anna at Beaulieu Motor Museum. Grace and I were in stitches taking this picture....they look so funny!

Lucy and Mike - isn't Lucy looking wonderful!

Samuel and George

My mum and dad!

The lovely Lewis and his very lovely ladies - Emily, Anna and Katy

Andrew chatting to his Aunty Diana

Tracey and Madeleine

Anna, Abigail and Laura

Psrtners in crime - Anna and Abigail

Andrew and his mum

1 comment:

Kathryn Herrmann said...

Ah! I've been waiting for the party photos! You looked REALLY smashing. I bet you had a great time.