
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Pettifers Down Under UK 2008 - Babies

After a few barren years (not literally) on the baby front, suddenly when we left, everyone started reproducing! I'm fairly certain that the two things are not related, but it did mean that when we got back to the UK, there were a number of small people we needed to get acquainted with.

First there was the new addition to Hazel and Dave's family. Martha was born a few days before we left for our trip, so we were especially honored that at 11 days old she travelled from her home in Nantwich to her Uncle Jim's in Lincolnshire, just to see us. It was a fleeting visit, but it was lovely to get to see her when she was so tiny. And Dave better start worrying - with 3 daughters now, that's three weddings he is going to have to pay for! He might have to sell some of his international property portfolio!

Then friends Gary and Lynne had gorgeous Thomas, who was exactly as a baby should be - all chubbly and smiley and happy. His two brothers, James and Ross seemed quite pleased with him too!

Lastly, we were lucky enough to have our very much loved former au pair Josefine come over and stay in Lymington for a week while we were there - along with her 18 month old daughter, Ophelia. Anna and I last saw them in Koln when Ophelia was about 8 weeks old, but George had never met her, so it was lovely to catch up. Now Ophelia is a walking, talking, bundle of fun, who managed to teach both George and Anna a few words of German. We are all hoping that they will come and see us in Australia sometime, although it is difficult with Josefine's studies.

There was one other baby - Sam and Neil had Ben just after we left for Australia, and we met him for the first time. He was gorgeous, but I forgot to take a picture!

It was all almost enough to make me want to go out there and procreate!

But not quite.....

Me and Martha - she is only 11 days old here!

The beautiful Martha again.

Gary and Lynne's gorgeous baby, Thomas. He was a real cutie.

Thomas again - who could resist those blue eyes?

Miss Josie Jo and the wonderful Ophelia

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