
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Pettifers Down Under UK 2008 - Birthdays

There were a lot of birthdays whilst we were in the UK. Some of them were celebrated rather in advance, but we took advantage of the opportunity to be with family and friends and did it anyway!

Bob was seventy! And he doesn't look a day over 69!

I blew out the candles on a boob cake for an early celebration of my 40th with all the Jeynes peeps

We had a birthday cake when I was up at Mum and Dad's in the early part of the visit, to mark the fact that this September I will be forty. I'm planning to have the most drawn out birthday ever, because a few weeks after that, my best friend Nugs allowed me to have a fortieth birthday party at her house. This was particularly kind of her because the day of the party was actually her daughter Phoebe's birthday, so we were careful to make sure she got some of the limelight on her special day. I received a number of very generous gifts (many of which were shoe themed! Seems people have noticed about my shoe obsession!), amongst which was a ticket to do the Sydney Harbour Bridge climb. Caralyn, Mark, Nicky and Matt were responsible for this, and I have made it my project for this year to work up enough courage to actually do it (or alternatively directing all that energy into learning how to use photo shop so that I can transpose my head onto someone elses in order to dupe everyone into thinking that I've done it....hehehehehehe). The party was tremendous fun - I didn't get too drunk, but it did go on to the wee hours and there may have been some swimming in the pool....but hey - to be honest - I think people would have been disappointed if I hadn't!

Me and Nugs - before all the fun begins!

Pettifer representation at my 40th - Madeleine, Tony, Grace, Bob, Karen, Andrew, the birthday girl, and Abs and Anna at the front. Doesn't everyone look gorgeous?

Me with good friends Mark, Caralyn, Nicky and Matt

Amanda and Mike at my UK (lol) 40th party

Nicky and Matt

Sarah and Roy busting some moves on the dance floor

A toast to being fab and forty!

Tim and Syd

Johnny and sister Trace - peas in a pod!

Caralyn and Mark

Very much later in the evening (in the early morning in fact), when Andrew and I are no longer looking the slightest bit glamorous!

Then our niece Beth was 18! Unfortunately Andrew missed it, but Karen and Tony treated us all to a lovely meal at Sway Manor with lots to drink and plenty to eat. It was great to spend some more time with everyone.

The crowd for Beth's 18th birthday dinner - Grace, Matt, Tony, Karen, Beth, Adrian, Mads and me, then George, Sophie, Anna, Abigail and Bob kneeling down at the front

A great picture of Beth, Karen and Tony

The birthday girl herself!

It was also niece Emily's birthday, and we were lucky enough to be able to get to her purple party in the park. Unfortunately it was absolutely pouring with rain and I left the camera in the car by mistake, so didn't get any pictures. However, if Lucy sends me some, I'll add them to this page!

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