
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Labour Day Long Weekend

Andrew and I this afternoon

George and Anna

One of the islands in the lagoon - the children love kayaking to them and exploring!

It's a public holiday on Monday (as opposed to those deeply disappointing Bank Holidays) and so we have a long weekend. It's Labour Day - which celebrates the Unions achievement of an 8 hour day for workers. Lots of countries seem to have this holiday, but not the UK as far as I can tell. The weather forecast for tomorrow is excellent - clear and 27 degrees - so we should be able to get out and have some fun.

Anna was at her friend Charlie's house for a sleepover. She lives in a beautiful house overlooking Freshwater Beach, and they spent some time in the sea there. George had his friend Andrew over for a sleepover too and they enjoyed pizza and playstation!

Today the weather has been good - hot but windy, which is a good combination so long as you are not fooled into thinking that you don't need sunscreen. Andrew had cricket coach training this morning (and now he is a qualified coach!) but this afternoon we've been out on the tinnie and round to the lagoon beach with the children. This evening we will be barbequeing greek lamb as we watch the sun go down.

The good news is that we've found the kayak over the other side of the water. Course this is now I've informed the police and the insurance company. It's tempting not to let them know it has turned up, but knowing me I'd be deported when they found out.....There was no paddle with it, so we'll have to get a new one of those, but it will be great for the children to have it back for the holiday.

Enjoy the pictures - we are going out for the day tomorrow, possibly to Bondi, so more pics then.

Out for a bike ride with the children round the lagoon, after school on Friday

One of our local sulphur crested cockatoos - a bit out of focus I know, but you get the idea!

Anna at the park at the end of the road

1 comment:

Kathryn Herrmann said...

Oh, just look at you - permanent holiday-makers!!