
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Okay, okay....

It's seems I've been rather remiss with updating the blog this week. But as a result I've been accused of having given up (Andrew) and of being incontinent (Lucy). A little harsh methinks. Nevertheless, I do apologise for this lapse, and will endeavour to ensure that it doesn't happen again!

The problem with not having written for a while is that now there is so much to say, I could write a novel. I'll try not to go on too much...!

So - my birthday. I was 39, which means I am still, briefly, in my 30s. I had a lovely day - got lots of lovely presents, went out with my friend Maria for a great brunch at Swelter in Palm Beach (which is owned by friends Paula and Richard, and they insisted that we had champagne - yum yum), and had a quick shufty at the shops but, being very good, I didn't buy anything.

We went out with the children in the evening and had hot chocolates and cakes at the local coffee lounge and all in all it was a good birthday.

I haven't reported on the children's sports matches recently. George didn't play basketball last week as he was off school with a sore throat. However, Anna was obviously on good form, as her netball team won 22 - 1! The girls were very pleased with themselves. This week, George's team struggled with no reserves, and got very tired. The final score of 30 - 12 didn't really do justice to the great job the St Lukes Hotrods did, and George gets better every week. Having a basketball hoop in the garden is definitely helping. Riding isn't on for Anna at the moment. There is an equine flu epidemic in Australia, and the ponies at the stables have got the bug. The riding school is quarantined as a result, and there will be no lessons for at least 50 days. Also on a sporting theme, the swimming school George and Anna attend is closing down for 6 - 9 months while they upgrade the pool, so I've enrolled the children at Fitness First, which is my gym. This means I will be able to get a workout in while they are having their lesson, which I'm rather pleased about - two birds with one stone and all that!

To be honest, the children are exhausted. With no half terms here the terms are very long, and with the early starts and the after school activities, they are pretty ragged. Luckily this is the last week of term, before they get their 2 week spring break. George has been ill, and has terrible bags under his eyes. Anna is even cheekier than usual, and lots of their friends are off school with various viruses. It will be a relief for everyone to be able to kick back a little. I certainly am looking forward to some lays in!

Things have been pretty busy on the social front for Andrew and I as well. While Andrew was in Singapore at the beginning of the week, I went to the first meeting of a book club I'd been invited to by friend Kerry. I met some interesting new people, and although I hadn't read the book, had a really nice time. Then on the Friday evening, I went to the year 4 parents bowling evening. Maria was on excellent form, managing to do an excellent 180 degree spin whilst trying to bowl her ball, and landing on her bum. I was just dreadful as usual! There were good people there and at the end a presentation of trophies and medals. I managed not to have won the trophy for lowest score of the evening (I think they must have miscounted!), and I was rather jealous of Maria's medal for most spectacular fall and Sharon's for best dancing whilst bowling. Never mind - there is always next year!

The next evening was a cocktail party for year 5 parents at Stella Blu - a bar down on the front at Dee Why. It was fun to get dressed up and have a few drinks (this was the first such event since we came to Australia!) and the cocktails were great. Happily I didn't overdo it, so managed to have a good day on Sunday as well! Some new friends were made too, so we are hoping to get out a bit more.

Sad news this week - the kayak was stolen. This means no kayak to play on until we've sorted things out with the insurance company. It's not quite paradise here then.....


Lucy said...

Hey we're not coming if there's no kayak.......

The Pettifers said...

don't worry! we have it back now!