
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Monday, April 2, 2007

We're leaving on an airplane - don't know when we'll be back again

I woke up this morning at 7am with the worst butterflies in my stomach I have ever experienced and a rotten cold.......not ideal....I could hear Anna coughing like someone who smokes 40 a day in the other room, but on questioning the possible kidney symptoms seemed to have worn off.

We got up, packed our cases again, and went off to Sarah and Roy's to say goodbye to them, and to have a last cuddle with Charlie, who was as overjoyed as usual to see us. We know he will be fine, but tears were shed all the same.

Then over to the pub for a bite to eat with all the parents, then back to the house for final sorting out of our cases and resigning ourselves to the fact that we were going to have to pay some excess on our luggage. Caralyn and Jessie came round to say goodbye and then Nugs, Johnny and Nancy came to say goodbye - although Nugs was helping with the luggage up to Heathrow. More tears.....

Then off to Heathrow where we discovered that we had to pay £280 excess!!! That was even with a reduction for the sympathy vote. Lol. Going through to departures was like torture, and I felt like my heart might break with leaving people so dear to us. And so here we are, in the airport waiting for our new life to begin.....

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