
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Friday, April 6, 2007

Happy Easter!

I hesitate to say this - but it's raining.....I can almost hear you all laughing from here, as I understand that it is warmer in England than in Spain at the moment. However, it's not actually cold - just kind of dull and damp. If only we had gone to the beach yesterday, when it was lovely and warm....

Yesterday we went to look at a school for George and Anna. It's called St Lukes Grammar and is slap in the middle of the area we are interested in living in. We all thought it seemed great and have made the applications along with some lovely references from Caralyn and Bill. I'm not sure who they were writing about, but whoever they are, they do seem like good people! Assuming that we don't muck up the interview with the headteacher, the children will start on 26th April. George isn't too impressed about this, but Anna can't wait to get started.

We've also been having a go at trying to buy George some shoes more suited to the weather here (when it's hot) but oddly, the shops are full of winter coats and woolly boots. Everyone assures me that I won't need the winter coats I've given away, but it's confusing to see all this stuff in the shops. I suppose it is in the interests of the manufacturers to pretend that it will be cold in the winter - otherwise I suppose no one would bother buying any extra clothes at the end of the seasons. But even so, I wouldn't have expected to see such heavy fabrics.

Another thing I've remembered is how hilly Sydney is. We are definitely going to get fit walking around here - especially when it is warm. And did you see that there was a tsunami here at the beginning of the week?! They closed Sydney Harbour and evacuated some schools, but in the event the water only rose 10 cms, which is pretty much what would happen if I got in the bath, so I think it was all a bit of an over reaction! However, in the Solomon Islands, where they got the biggest wave 15 people are dead and over a hundred missing, so something to think about....

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