
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Playing house

So the house is pretty much no more. The removers are in there packing and everything is shrouded in layers of cardboard. In a way though, I feel more settled now that things are actually happening. And I like living in a one bed cottage - it's kind of like playing house.....and it takes moments to tidy up and clean! And of course there is the added advantage of having my best friend next door.

I'm feeling much better about it all now - I've even had twinges of excitement. What a relief! And the removal guys are very nice and it's been fun chatting to them about the weird stuff they have packed in people's houses (I was very careful to conceal all the weird stuff we have!). How about packing up someone's S&M dungeon? Lol. Or being unexpectedly attacked by a blow up doll which fell off the top of a wardrobe? Hehehehehehe. Tomorrow the container will arrive and all our stuff will go off to be shipped, and all that will remain for us to do is to clean the house and enjoy various farewells with friends and family.

Of course, the bizarre weather we've had the last couple of days had made moving to the sun seem very attractive. After having a couple of weeks of lovely spring weather, during which I gave away most of my winter clothes, it has therefore been distressing to have had to deal with hail, wind and snow in togs that really are not up to it at all. This afternoon the children are doing a Bollywood dancing display in the playground at school, and I don't have anything to wear! Well I do - but I'm going to be bloody freezing....


Samantha Tolmie said...

Cant wait to see photos of the Bollywood demonstration!!!

Miss you already!!!

The Pettifers said...

Batteries ran out in the camera - so no photos! Feel like a very bad mummy, but the dancing was good (George hid at the back and joined in but looked mortified!). Next week there is a talent show where George is one of the presenters and Anna and her friends are singing and dancing, so hopefully will be able to put some photos on of that! xx