
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Friday, May 4, 2007

Normal service has been resumed....

It's been a tough week since my last entry.....however, so as not to bore you with my ailments further, I can say that with some new medication and threats of chest x rays, I seem to be turning the corner and can look back on my misery last Friday with some humour!

Despite my ill health (and the advice of my very nice doctor) life has had to go on as usual. The children have needed driving to and from school, and as a result I have been doing a small amount of socialising with some other mums from the school. They have thankfully been willing to spend time with someone they barely know, who is coughing and spluttering in the most unpleasant way and pretty much deaf - and for this I am very grateful! The school is very friendly, and they have this system called Class Mothers which helps you to get integrated. Although the term sounds a bit Stepford Wives, it is actually just 2 mums nominated for each class to organise social events for parents. So when your children join the school, you immediately start getting emails and phone calls inviting you to events and welcoming you to the school community. All very good. As a result I've met quite a few people, some of whom are from the UK, but Germans and French as well. It bodes well...

Also on the school front, George and Anna are so happy! It's wonderful. They are both making friends and enjoying the new challenges that the school is throwing up for them. Anna is learning Indonesian and George is learning French. You are probably thinking that these are two pretty useless languages - Indonesian is hardly a world language and France is a long long way from Australia - and I'd be inclined to agree, but the kids are enjoying it!

Tonight Anna is at a sleepover with her friend Keana, and George has a nice chap called Jack here for the night. He lives in Palm Beach, which is where they film 'Home and Away'. We'll be going there tomorrow to take him back and have a bit of an explore. Maybe we will see a star (although I don't think I could recognise anyone from it!).

I've sorted out a flat near the school which we will move into on 15th May, and we'll stay there until 5th June. The furniture from home will be delivered to the house at Narrabeen on 1st June, so that will give me a few days to get everything organised before we get in there. It's all starting to fall together.

The weather here for the last week has been wonderful beach hot. Everyone keeps telling me it is unseasonably hot for the time of year. However, they do also keep telling me that very shortly it will get cold. I do wonder what they mean by this. Do they mean I may have to take my shorts off and put on a cardigan? Or do they mean I will need a woolly hat and scarf? Time will tell. Which ever way it goes, the forecast for the weekend is really good, and it's possible that I will put my bikini on for the first time since we got here. It's been warm enough, it's just that when you feel rubbish you don't want to walk about in your underwear!

I will take some photos this weekend. The camera has been in the car ready for action all week. Unfortunately the memory card has been languishing in the card reader back at the flat rendering said camera utterly useless...

Many thanks for the texts and emails I've received telling me to get well soon. Doing my best!

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