
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mission Adrenaline!

George and Andrew excited before getting on the bus, but also concerned to remain looking as cool as possible...

Apparently George is faaaaarrrrr too cool to give his mum a kiss and a hug before he goes on the camp....

It's been a very quiet week here. George has been away on a camp run by the Department of Sport and Recreation called Mission Adrenalin. We had to have him on a bus at Sydney Central Station at 6.30am on Monday and then pick him up on Friday. His friend Andrew went with him, and they were both really looking forward to a week of climbing, canoeing, abseiling, paintballing....you name it - they are going to be doing it! I have to say that I did suffer from some anxiety about it all - they are 5 hours away, in the outback, in an area where mobile phones don't work. It can get very, very hot inland like that, over 40 degrees, so I was pleased that the forecast for the week wasn't really all that good - a bit dull and only mid to high 20s out there.

Whilst her brother has been away, Anna has been on a constant round of sleepovers, and going to the cinema. This week she has seen Enchanted, Alvin and the Chipmunks (I'm quite relieved to have been spared that one!) and The Waterhorse, all in the company of friends. This has meant that I have been able to tidy the house, and meet friends at the mall and have coffee (and maybe a sneaky bit of retail therapy).

However, there have been events at home, which have really brought home the distance we are from the UK. Friends really should be there for each other when they are needed, and all I can do is be supportive down a phone. But the people in question know that if they want me to come, I'll be there. Always.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am still finding it strange to think of you on your summer holidays. I just bought gloves and scarf ready for a cold snap!

Hope George enjoyed his week. Tell Anna we enjoyed Enchanted too.

Keep up the blog.