
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Robson Greene

Something exciting is happening down the road. My friend Sharon goes to a running group in Avalon and there she met an English chap who turned out to be the writer of Cold Feet. As if this isn't exciting enough (stay with me - I don't get out a lot these days), Sharon told me that he is making a pilot of a tv comedy drama about English people in Australia and asked me if I would like to be an extra. Nothing further seems to have come of that, but last week we had a letter through the door telling us that they would be filming the pilot for this series in a house on our street and some scenes in the road. And it will be starring Robson Greene!

Now I know I'm being very tragic about this, but imagine the possibility that Robson Greene is a mere 50 metres away from your home all day every day for a week. So far I haven't seen him, but I have plans. I've been driving up and down the street to no avail (but I feel sure that somewhere in that pilot episode there will be a silver car going past in the background being driven by a woman in a pink dress). All their support vehicles are parked in the park across the road, including their canteen. Eventually the man has got to get hungry. Maria is coming over tomorrow and we are going to stake the place out.

Clearly we don't have enough to do.

Now for the weather. Today it was 33 degrees but with a pleasant wind (which turned out to be a howling gale in my house, as the wind whips across the open lagoon). Tomorrow, apparently, it will be 17 degrees. A full 13 degrees lower than today. Confused and disappointed. Am I going to have to get all my winter things out again?

We are back at school again today, and in summer uniforms. Obviously this has meant another scarily expensive visit to the school uniform shop to purchase summer dresses, summer hats, summer shirts, school swimming costumes and rash vests (that's what they call those sunblock tops that you can wear on the beach that are factor 50 protection). No blazers thankfully this term. I'll put a picture on another time.

As we are back at school, sport has started again. Anna played a blinder at netball with a turn at goal shooter - with 5 out of 6 shots in. The eventual score was 12 -1. George played really well at basketball. He is getting more and more confident and as his confidence grows, so does his enjoyment of the game. When the opponents came on the court, I have to say that I did not hold out much hope - they were giants! However, the Hotrods were all over them, coming out with a win at 20 - 8. I'm looking forward to the day when George gets his first basket!

With regard to the video on the last post......it should show a beautiful humpback whale breaching off the beach in Angourie, but we are not sure if it is working. Let us know if it is! (Or isn't!)

And oh yes - what about the rugby??!!! We are having such a laugh about it here - the Aussies are gutted! It's being shown live in some of the local clubs on Sunday at 5am. Andrew's plan is to watch the first half here and if we are winning to go out to the club then. And if we are losing he's going back to bed.

Catch you later!

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