
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Cricket season...

Glorious weather this weekend, I'm afraid. Spring has definitely sprung (although it feels like the height of summer to us). We've been very busy relaxing - Saturday started with George and Andrew going off to play cricket for the first time this season. In George's age group they play what they call Average Cricket, which means that matches are played across two weeks - one week batting and then the next week bowling. Each child gets 8 overs whether they are out or not, and then the scores are averaged out. This means that if you are a novice, as George is, you get a fair crack of the whip. Apparently it all went well, and as you can see, George looked very professional!

When they returned, we had two of George's school friends (Jack and Andrew) over for a sleepover, plus the usual contingent of girls from across the road. There was a lots of screaming and laughing coming from the lagoon all afternoon, the shower was in constant use, and I have a huge pile of towels to wash! In the evening we barbequed and fed all the local kids. I love that our house and garden is full of children all the time - even sometimes when none of our children are actually here! The boys got a dvd out in the evening, but George had a sore throat, so he was easy to persuade into bed at a reasonable time!

Today more of the same, but we did take time to wander over to the monthly market held on the other side of the lagoon. The children weren't keen to come, but they got an ice cream out of it. I bought a big floppy sunhat (see picture!), a super heated belt thing which I am hoping will help my back, and an xmas present for my nephew Lewis. I shall definitely go again - it's all arts and crafts and delicious food. A good venue for Crimbo shopping I reckon.

Now that spring is here, all sorts of beautiful plants are blossoming, most of which I am unable to identify and many of which smell glorious - including the orange tree outside the sitting room. The fragrance from this fills the garden and our bedroom balcony with the loveliest scent, even though at the moment the flowers are only buds. When it blooms properly I will take a picture to put on here - along with anything else I see and like (like frangipani, which is all over the place and looks and smells wonderful).

Andrew flew off to Singapore this afternoon and won't be back until Wednesday. However, as he flies in early in the morning that day, he is taking the day off and we plan to have a child free lunch somewhere gorgeous.

And before I go, I must say Happy Birthday to my very good friend Caralyn. This time last year we were at the 40th birthday party to end all parties - enjoying the chocolate fountain, the cocktail bar and the bands. And nursing a truly dreadful hangover the next day! And also to celebrate, I took Caralyn zorbing - quite the funniest thing I've done for many years. Oh happy days with good friends.....

1 comment:

Kathryn Herrmann said...

Cool cricketer! Fabulous scenery! Super cool sunhat! Gorgeous daughter in summery things!! Where are the photos of your birthday escapades??? Come on. We're all WAITING!!