
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Getting into the swing of things...

Well, we may be on the other side of the world (to those of you who are reading in the UK), but it doesn't take long to create a routine that looks suspiciously like the one you always had before. There is something both comforting and disappointing about this. Life, in all it's mundanity, goes on - regardless of whether you have recently emigrated. So Monday means Gravity Youth for George and Anna, and a dash in the car from Dee Why to Narrabeen in time for the 4pm start time. Wednesday is a late pick up for after school Indonesian, Thursday a dash to swimming and Saturday our regular date at Samurai Park Riding School. We are about to add both basketball and cricket into the mix.

Maria and I have decided that we mustn't let ourselves slip into only school runs and pick ups and then lingering about at home doing bits and bobs and drinking cups of tea. In order to guard against this, I'm going to the gym everyday in the week - so far this week I've done boxing and pilates. Tomorrow is weights, Thursday will be Bodyjam and Friday weights again. I'm in my skinniest jeans (and have the full range of movement - even sitting down. C'mon ladies - you know it doesn't count it you can only stand up in them). And we are going to go and explore something new each week. Today I plan to join the library in Mona Vale (which is open on a Saturday and a Sunday and has this big post box outside where you can return books out of hours - imagine that in Lymington!), and next week we are going to 'do' Avalon, which apparently has great shops and restaurants.

I've met a couple of new people too - both called Jo and both English. The first Jo is a GP who lived in Lyndhurst until 3 years ago, so lots to talk about there (don't get me started....) and the other Jo is from Essex and has been here for 2 years. I was drawn to the second Jo in the school playground by her gorgeous 8 week old baby. I could almost have felt a bit clucky.

A bit of excitement this morning - our boat had disappeared. Eventually we caught sight of it beached on one of the islands in the lagoon. Not sure whether it drifted there or was nicked, but one of our neighbours (who was inexplicably launching his boat in his PJs...) took Andrew over to it to collect it. They've recently moved in, and his wife is from Hitchin. Is anyone here actually Australian???


Lucy said...

What is "Gravity Youth"?!

I think people that used to live in Hitchin are probably fab.

And I can testify that Jo is a good name for a friend as I've got 2 Jo's.

I like the sound of all this stuff.

In between going to the gym, being Alpha Mummy and settling in, what about writing the novel, doing the masters, being a professional (something..) ?

L xxx

Lucy said...
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