
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Quiet Day...

The children wanted to stay at the flat today...I suppose sometimes they just want to veg out and not go out and explore the world. We went to the park across the road with the cricket set, a skipping rope and a football and whiled away a couple of hours. Having demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that I am crap at all three activities, we retired to the flat to have some lunch. I was unable to persuade George and Anna into any of schemes for entertainment in the afternoon and eventually I dozed off while they argued about the playstation.

I have to say that I am beginning to regret very much the purchase of said playstation. Despite my restrictions on its use (in school holidays before 9am and after 5pm - except obviously when I've dozed off...), it is a source of almost endless arguments. When playing on it, they can argue about whether they are doing it right, whose turn it is, who has been on it longest, what game to play etc etc etc ad infinitum. And when they are not on in they are in a constant state of negotiation about who will go on it first when they are allowed on it, and what game to play. I am really really hoping that very soon it will either break down or they will lose interest - neither of which is looking very likely at the moment.

The estate agent dealing with the lease of the house in Narrabeen called me during the afternoon and asked all sorts of questions about our situation. It was like being interviewed, but I suppose if it gets us the house we will be happy! She sounded very nice actually, and like everyone we have met so far, was very friendly indeed. Hopefully we will hear something tomorrow, so don't uncross anything as yet!

Andrew is going to have to go away on the company conference in July for a few days. If you are interested in seeing what sort of privations this might involve, follow this link....http://www.sanctuarycove.com/. No dreary midweek in Coventry this.....and wives can go too! However, in the absence of any babysitting arrangements, it looks like I'll be giving it a miss this year. No doubt next year Arup will be gathering in Coventry for their company conference.....Other interesting news from the Arup office is that there is someone called Jackie Chan (George was particularly impressed by this) who, according to Andrew, used to go to school with someone called Bruce Lee. Not sure about that one!

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