
Welcome to our blog! It's our way both of keeping a record of getting to know our new home, and also of keeping everyone at home in touch with what we are doing.

Love Wendy, Andrew, George and Anna xxx

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Victorian Goldfields

Historic tram in Bendigo. When we went here, Anna and I looked at the shops, Andrew went on the tram and George and Grandad actually went down a goldmine....but this is the only picture we have!

George and Grandad having a chat at Sovereign Hill

Anna panning for gold at Sovereign Hill. There were actual bits of gold in there!

Eureka! I think we've found gold!

Main Street, Sovereign Hill

Anna learning about firing a musket at Sovereign Hill.

Gold smelting at Sovereign Hill, Ballarat. This was a really good place - an authentic replica of a Victorian Goldmining Town around 1850. We spent the day there learning about what life was like then, and about the Eureka Stockade, a very important part of Australian history.

I'm fairly certain that there is no better start to a day on holiday, than a cuddle in bed with your children

Anna really loves her granny

Dad enjoying a glass of wine while we bbq at the resort

She looks pretty good for 69 I reckon!

This cheeky kookaburra swooped down and stole some of George's meat from his plate while we were having a BBQ!

George exploring the bush

Anna and George seeing if they can push a boulder off the hill. It keeps them amused...

Mum and Dad and the children. I'm going to frame this one.

We went for a walk through an area of really old volcanic boulders which was near the resort. Andrew is stopping this one from falling on Anna's head. He is sooooo strong.

There were lots of kangaroos around our cabins at the bushland resort, and this one had a joey - you can see his head sticking out the pouch. Not very in focus I am afraid - the light was very low and I didn't have a tripod.

Daylesford Lake - we weren't sure how, but this lake was the only one we saw which seemed to be normal level. The autumn colours were lovely.


Ant said...

Oooh I went to Sovereign Hill while visiting your neck of the woods. I have a bottle of real gold at home to remeind me. Fun place!

The Pettifers said...

So have we! Perhaps we should put the two bottles together and buy a small tropical island or something?? Lol